Tapestries: Art You Can Take Anywhere
Drum roll, please....
This past year we've rolled out a lot of new products.
And I mean A LOT. Throw pillows, fleece blankets, duvet covers, pouffes -- there are so many new products to put your favorite art on! But none is probably as versatile as our Wall Tapestries. Whether you simply hang it on a wall or lay it over a white comforter to add some interest, there really is no wrong way to use our wall tapestries.
Now with summer in full swing, my favorite way to utilize our tapestries is outside. Yup, we're taking our wall tapestries outside. To picnics, to festivals, to the park for a nice study break -- tapestries really are art you can take anywhere!
Alpha-Tone's Pizza Party Tapestry
It's stylish and guaranteed to turn heads. Grab yours today and get to styling wherever you go!
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