6 Office Essentials You Need In Your Creative Space
Keeping your desk and study space tidy is no easy feat, especially if late night study sessions or pulling overtime at the office are normal occurances for you. But, if you’re spending copious amounts of time at your desk or office space, shouldn’t that space be an inspiring one?
We’ve pulled together our top office essentials from the WallsNeedLove shop to keep you on styling and on track for success!

Chalkboard Calendar/DJ Mouse Pad/Technology Vector Wallpaper/A Deep Blue Something Laptop Skin/Get This Straight Tote Bag/Secret Society Pouch
1. Chalkboard Calendar/Writables
In my opinion, this one is a no brainer. I have a planner that I take with me everywhere, but it’s nice to have a bigger version in my office. It allows me to see the month at a glance and all of my deadlines are all in one place, which is helpful for my forgetful brain. Not to mention, it’s completely mess free. Seriously, chalkboard paint is super time consuming--even for a small project like this.
2. Mouse Pad DecalThis is not a regular mouse pad. It’s a cool mouse pad. And a decal so it stays in place and pairs well with just about any style.
3. Desk Skin
This is probably my favorite on the list because it’s the most fun! Forewarning, though, there is a DIY element. Simply take a panel or two of our removable wallpaper and apply however you wish. If you really want to get fancy, you can laminate the pieces and turn your desk into a giant dry erase board.
If desk skins aren't you're thing, get inspired with more unique ways to use our removable wallpaper.
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