Influencer Spotlight: Meet Merrick White of Merrick's Art

Meet Merrick White, the fashionista and creative force behind the blog, Merrick's Art. She takes on amazing home projects -- ahem! That striped Easy Stripe ceiling in her son's nursery -- and looks fabulous while doing it! When browsing her blog there are a few things that are obvious: Her taste is impeccable. Her aesthetic, sophisticated and her projects, unbelievably creative. But, being the curious bunch of creatives that we are, we had to know more about Merrick, her process, and some of her favorite things.

Her blogging journey began back in 2008 as a way to document her art while finishing her final year at BYU. Eight years later, she's still inspiring others with her DIY's, seamstress skills, and chic style.
Get to know Merrick White
"I'm a mama to three little boys, Benson (5) and Foster (3), and Sanford (6 weeks). My husband and I and our little family live in Orange County, California, where we try to spend as much time at the beach as possible. In addition to being a mom, I'm a style and sewing blogger over at my blog, Merrick's Art, where I teach women how to build a great closet, even better outfits, and teach women how to make amazing handmade clothing and other fun DIY projects!"
WNL: What do you love most about blogging?
MW: I love the creative outlet it gives me. I absolutely love being a mom and that's fulfilling in so many ways, but having a space that pushes me to create and share my passion of styling and sewing is priceless for me. Plus I've met so many amazing people and had so many opportunities through blogging -- there's so much to love, it's hard to pick just one thing!
WNL: Where do you look for/find inspiration? (Bloggers? Magazines? Pinterest boards? etc.)
MW: All of the above. We also travel a lot and love to look for decor inspiration in the hotels we stay in. We even wander into other neighboring hotels sometimes to check out their lobby areas for inspiration!
WNL: Describe your personal decor style in 140 characters or less.
MW: Contemporary chic. And as much white as having children allows ;)
WNL: Is there one decor rule that you will never break?
MW: If I knew all the decor rules, I'd probably break less of them. For now, we're winging it based on what we love!
WNL: Are there any crazy out there design trends you're currently coveting?
MW: I love all the tropical greenery that people are incorporating into their home decor right now. I'm trying to jump on the wagon with that one, but I have such a black thumb!
WNL: What's one design trend you love, but have been to afraid to try?
MW: Wallpaper! But the Walls Need Love removable wallpaper is totally changing my mind. I'm obsessed.
WNL: If you could only eat one thing for the rest of your life, what would it be?
MW: That's so tough. But lately I'm on an acai bowl kick and I'm pretty sure I'll never ever get sick of them.
WNL: What is one social network you could never give up?
MW: Instagram!
WNL: If you weren't a full-time blogger, what would you want to be?
MW: In a dream world? My husband and I always talk about wanting to be hotel critics and travel the world to try out amazing new hotels.
Shop Merrick's "Contemporary Chic" Collection

Summer Birch Tree Wall Decals
Realistic Bricks Removable Wallpaper
Easy Stripe Vinyl Wall Decals
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