Google Series: How Do I Make My Room... Beautiful
We all know Google’s “autocomplete” function. At some point or another we have all been on the receiving end of some pretty weird predictions like:
“Why is my...goldfish turning black?”
“What happens when you...fart in a smart car?”
“Sometimes I want to w...ithdraw from humanity and live in a cave.”
“What if google...was deleted and we couldn't google what happened Google?!”
Or my personal favorite:
“I like to...tape my thumbs to my hands to see what it would feel like to be a dinosaur.”
I could go on forever. Currently half the office is laugh-crying as we crawl Google for things that Google does when you Google things. (And when I say half the office I, of course, just mean that I am laughing by myself and everyone is looking at me.)
Anyway, we thought we might use this amazing tool and turn it into an awesome teaching experience that actually applies to what we do.
So, without further ado, we introduce you to our new series: “How Do I Make My Room…” And while we can’t help you with search queries like, “How do I make my room not smell bad,” we can help with questions like, “How do I make my room feel bigger” or “How do I make my dorm room look cooler.” And that’s exactly what we plan to do.
We figured we would start with the most basic of these questions, “How do I make my room...beautiful!”
We have a lot of experience with beautiful rooms and most of that experience comes from the incredible photos you guys send in to us and others come from the super cool bloggers we partner with. As they say, “beauty is in the eye of the beholder,” but sometimes it’s just easier to recognize beauty when it’s packaged up in a well put together room with gold accessories, delicate wallpaper and more than a few succulents.
The real secret to a beautiful space is making it expressly your own. Using creative pops of color, statement pieces and even upcycling are all great (and accessible) ways to upgrade your space even if you’re on a budget. Here are some of our favorite examples:
Wallpaper a room! Wallpaper is the obvious choice. It’s dramatic while still be elegant. It easily and quickly (if it’s removable) goes up and changes the entire feel of a room. One of our favorite projects came when we partnered with Megan of Greetings from Texas. She used our Sketch Floral Wallpaper to upgrade her dining room. We loved this project especially because this looks like a real room, like one you would actually live in. Also her post was super funny, here’s a clip to whet your whistle, “Walls are a big part of our country's history if you really think about it; The Berlin Wall, The Great Wall, OccupyWall Street. Wal-Mart. But I think this beautiful quote by Lil Jon and The East Side Boys says it best, "To the windowwwwww, To the Wall. (To the Wall.) " Touche Lil Jon, touché.” But what did she think about the end result? Did removable wallpaper make her room more beautiful? “For real though, SO. MUCH. BETTER.” I guess so.
Booze! Just kidding. Though drinking enough of it I’m sure would make your space look a lot more appealing...But what we really mean is Makeover a Bar Cart! My bar cart is probably my favorite possession, I got it for $65 at a local used furniture store. Brittni from Paper and Stitch used our Velvet Bananas wallpaper to add a colorful splash to her bar cart. Perfect!
Lastly, Add Details to Everyday Pieces! This seems simple enough. People are always gluing rock to flower pots and spraypainting old beer bottles why not decorate your chairs? That’s exactly what Lovely Indeed did with our easy stripe wall decals. But why limit yourself to chairs, you can put decals on tables or refrigerators, your siblings? You name it, you can stripe it.
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