Birch Trees and Grandmas
Every now and then we get e-mails from you guys that make us exceedingly happy. Sometimes they make us tear up and sometimes they make us laugh hysterically (with you, not at you, of course). When we got this e-mail from Jen it was the tear-us-up-in-a-happy-way kind of e-mail and she gave us permission to share it! Y’all are why we do what we do. We are a tiny little company and we love getting to know you guys individually. We want to know why you’re buying the decals you are and we want to see them once they are up. We want to hear your story. Thank you so much to Jen for this gift of an e-mail. Shine on girl.
Hey! My name is Jen Kerner. Just wanted to send a quick email to say thank you for a great first online shopping experience with you guys.

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